Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Speech Contest!

Here are some of my students performing at SLP's speech contest! They had to memorize a speech in English and preform it for 3 rounds of judging. This is the final round. I was so proud of my kids!!! Elegant class did "Elephants Hiccups" But I don't have pictures of them. These photos are from my 5 year olds preforming "Go Away Big Green Monster". They memorized the book, added actions and had to answer questions at the end. I mean could you imagine memorizing a speech in your second language and doing it on a huge stage in front of people when you were 5?? Jeeze, I have some baller kids.
Jay doing his performance 

Here's Ashley. She told me earlier that day that she was wearing a monster costume. What a flippin cutie pie!! 
Here is Christine

And last, Audrey

Here's Audrey and Christine after the performance, I bought them all roses because I was so proud of them!

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